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Price of Alphonso Mangoes in Mumbai market: Hapus of Konkan arrived a month ago

Price of Alphonso Mango

Pramod Patil (Mumbai) February 15: Mango, which is known as the king of fruits, is now slowly entering the market. Compared to last year, it is being said that 1 woman has come early this year. Meanwhile, it was informed that as many as 479 boxes of Hapus were received in Mumbai Agricultural Produce Market Committee. which is the capital of the state. Since this is the first time that there has been such an influx in February. There has been an atmosphere of excitement as the bazaars are filled with ambyans. In the wholesale market, it was informed that the price of Alphonso Mangoes 4 to 7 dozen boxes is 3500 to 8000 rupees.

Price of Alphonso Mango


In the APMC market in Mumbai, the arrival of mangoes has increased, and in the last two days, nearly a thousand boxes have entered the market. Mangoes were seen to be affected due to severe cold weather. But now as the cold has subsided to some extent. Mangoes have started coming in the market. The market committee management informed that the same income will be doubled from next month.

Kindly check the blog price of Alphonso mangoes on the websit.

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Alphonso Mango! Alibaug had the honor of sending the first mango to Mumbai

Alphonso Mango News

This Alphonso mango has been sent to the Vashi market of the Mumbai Agricultural Produce Market Committee.

Mumbai – First in Mumbai market from Raigad district this season. Alibaug taluk has got the honor of sending. Gardener S. from Narangi in Alibaug taluk. K. Varun Sanjay Kumar Patil, the owner of Mangoes, harvested a total of 12 boxes of 7 boxes of Hapus and 5 boxes of saffron of two dozen each on February 1. Sent to Mumbai market.

It seems that nature has once again done the mango growers a disservice this year. Mango crops are being affected by a constantly changing climate. Varun Sanjay Kumar Patil has successfully harvested mangoes and sent the first mango. From the Raigad district to the market after overcoming adverse conditions such as prolonged rains, bad weather, and crop diseases. This Alphonso mango has been sent to the Vashi market of the Mumbai Agricultural Produce Market Committee. District Superintendent Agriculture Officer Ujwala Bankkhele congratulated Varun and wished him good luck for the next season.