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Celebrating the King of Mangoes

A Look at Alphonso Mango Festivals and Celebrations Around the World

Alphonso mangoes are not just a delicious fruit, but also hold cultural significance in many regions around the world. This is evident through the various festivals and events that are organized to celebrate this tropical fruit.

One of the most popular mango festivals in India is the Mango Festival in Delhi, which is organized by the Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DTTDC) in collaboration with the National Horticulture Board (NHB). This festival is usually held in the month of July, when the Alphonso mangoes are in season, and attracts mango lovers from all over the world. The festival showcases different varieties of mangoes, including the Alphonso, and offers visitors the opportunity to taste and buy them at the venue. There are also cultural programs, competitions, and other activities that celebrate the mango, such as mango-eating contests and recipe competitions.

In the United States, the International Mango Festival in Miami is a popular event that celebrates the Alphonso mango and other mango varieties. This festival is organized by the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and features a variety of mango-related activities, including a mango auction, a mango-tasting session, and cooking demonstrations. The festival also hosts lectures and workshops by experts on mango cultivation and production.

Apart from these festivals, there are also many other events that celebrate the Alphonso mango in different regions of the world. In Maharashtra, India, the Alphonso mango is celebrated through the annual Konkan Mango Festival, which is held in the coastal towns of Ratnagiri and Devgad. This festival showcases various mango products, such as mango pulp, juice, and pickles, and also features cultural programs and other activities.

The Alphonso mango is not only a delicious fruit, but also a symbol of cultural heritage in many regions around the world. Through these festivals and events, people can come together to celebrate the unique flavor and aroma of this tropical fruit, and to appreciate the hard work of the farmers who grow it. So, if you are a mango lover, be sure to check out one of these festivals and experience the joy of celebrating the Alphonso mango!

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Facts About Alphonso Mangoes

1. Introduction

Mangoes are a popular tropical fruit that originated in South Asia but are now grown in many parts of the world, including India, Mexico, and the Philippines. Alphonso mango, also known as Hapus, are one of the most popular varieties of mangoes in India. They are grown mainly in the state of Maharashtra and are considered a symbol of quality, prestige, and status.

2. Origin of Alphonso Mango

The origin of Alphonso mango can be traced back to the Konkan region of Maharashtra, India. It is believed that the Portuguese brought the first mango seeds to India in the 16th century, and the Alphonso mango was one of the varieties that were cultivated in the region. The Alphonso mango is named after Afonso de Albuquerque, a Portuguese general and statesman who conquered Goa in the 16th century.

3. Characteristics of Alphonso Mangoes

Alphonso mangoes are known for their distinctive sweet and musky aroma, buttery texture, and rich flavor. They have a bright golden-yellow skin with a tinge of red on top, and the flesh is juicy and fibrous. The seed is small and oval-shaped, making it easy to remove.

4. Nutritional Benefits of Alphonso Mangoes

Apart from their delicious taste, Alphonso mangoes are packed with nutrients that offer several health benefits. They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants that can help boost immunity, improve digestion, and prevent various diseases. Additionally, Alphonso mangoes are low in calories and fat, making them a great snack option for weight watchers.

5. Popular Uses of Alphonso Mangoes

Alphonso mangoes are not just eaten as a whole fruit, but they are also used in a variety of culinary applications. They are used to make desserts, smoothies, ice creams, and beverages. In India, the pulp is often used to make a popular drink called Aamras, which is made by blending the mango pulp with milk or yogurt.

6. Cultivation and Harvesting of Alphonso Mangoes

Alphonso mangoes are cultivated in the Konkan region of Maharashtra, which is known for its fertile soil and favorable climate. The mango trees are planted during the monsoon season, and the fruits are harvested from March to May. The cultivation of Alphonso mangoes is a labor-intensive process that requires careful pruning, irrigation, and pest control.

7. Alphonso Mango Season and Availability

The Alphonso mango season starts from March and lasts till May, and this is the time when the fruit is at its

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Buy the Best Alphonso Mangoes Online: Enjoy the Authentic Taste of India’s King of Fruits

Buy the Best Alphonso Mangoes Online:

Alphonso mangoes are known as the King of Fruits in India for a reason. These delicious mangoes are famous for their sweetness, aroma, and juicy texture. They have a unique flavor that is unlike any other type of mango, and their vibrant orange color makes them even more appealing. If you’re a fan of mangoes, you don’t want to miss out on Alphonso mangoes. And the best part is that you can now buy them online.

Why are Alphonso Mangoes So Popular?

Alphonso mangoes are famous for their rich, creamy, and aromatic flavor. They are also incredibly juicy, which makes them perfect for eating fresh or using in desserts, smoothies, or cocktails. Alphonso mangoes are grown in the Konkan region of India, which has a tropical climate that is ideal for mango cultivation. The mangoes are harvested only once a year, which makes them a rare delicacy that everyone wants to try.

When to Buy Alphonso Mangoes Online?

The Alphonso mango season starts in March and lasts until June. This is the time when you’ll find the freshest and most delicious Alphonso mangoes available online. You can order them from various online stores that specialize in Indian fruits and vegetables. Some popular online stores that sell Alphonso mangoes include Amazon, FreshToHome, and The Mango House.

How to Choose the Best Alphonso Mangoes Online?

Choosing the best Alphonso mangoes online can be a bit tricky, especially if you’ve never tasted them before. Here are some tips that can help you choose the best Alphonso mangoes online:

  1. Look for Mangoes with a Rich Aroma: Alphonso mangoes should have a rich, fruity aroma that is hard to miss. If the mangoes don’t smell like anything, they might not be ripe enough or might be of lower quality.

  2. Check the Color and Texture: Alphonso mangoes should be bright orange in color and have a smooth texture. The skin should not have any blemishes or bruises, and the flesh should be firm but not too hard.

  3. Check the Ripeness: Alphonso mangoes should be ripe but not overripe. The skin should give a little when you press it gently, and the flesh should be soft but not mushy.

In Conclusion

If you love mangoes, you must try Alphonso mangoes. They are the King of Fruits in India and are loved all over the world. You can buy them online from various stores that specialize in Indian fruits and vegetables. When choosing the best Alphonso mangoes online, make sure to look for mangoes with a rich aroma, bright orange color, and firm yet soft flesh. With these tips, you’re sure to enjoy the authentic taste of India’s famous Alphonso mangoes.
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Buy Alphonso Mango Online at Ratnagiri Hapus Store – The Best Place for Quality and Authenticity

The Best Place for Quality and Authenticity to Buy Alphonso Mango

If you are a true mango lover, you probably already know that Alphonso mangoes are considered to be the king of mangoes. Known for their rich, sweet flavor and delicate texture. These mangoes are highly sought after all over the world. However, finding the best quality Alphonso mangoes can be a challenge. Especially if you are looking to buy them online.

This is where Ratnagiri Hapus Store comes in.

With years of experience in growing and selling mangoes, this store has earned a reputation as one of the best places to buy Alphonso mango online. Here are just a few reasons why:

  1. Quality: At Ratnagiri Hapus Store, quality is always a top priority. They take great care to ensure that every mango they sell is of the highest quality. With the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.

  2. Authenticity: When you buy Alphonso mango online from Ratnagiri Hapus Store, you can be sure that you are getting the real thing. They source their mangoes directly from the orchards in Ratnagiri, the heart of Maharashtra. Where Alphonso mangoes are grown using traditional farming methods.

  3. Variety: Ratnagiri Hapus Store offers a wide range of Alphonso mangoes, so you can choose the size and ripeness level that best suits your taste.

  4. Convenience: Buying Alphonso mango online from Ratnagiri Hapus Store is easy and convenient. Simply place your order online and your mangoes will be delivered to your doorstep.

  5. Customer Service: Ratnagiri Hapus Store prides itself on providing excellent customer service. If you have any questions or concerns about your order. Their friendly and knowledgeable team is always happy to help.

In conclusion, if you are looking to buy Alphonso mango online, Ratnagiri Hapus Store is the best place to go. With their commitment to quality, authenticity, variety, convenience, and customer service. You can trust that you are getting the best mangoes possible.

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The Health Benefits of Delicious Fruit Alphonso Mangoes

Alphonso mangoes are a delicious fruit with a sweet and creamy flavor. Not only are they tasty, but they also offer several health benefits. In this blog post, we will dive into the nutritional benefits of Alphonso mangoes, including the various vitamins and minerals they contain, and how they can contribute to a healthy diet.

Vitamins and Minerals in Delicious Fruit Alphonso Mangoes

Alphonso mangoes are rich in several vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining good health. These include:

  1. Vitamin C: Alphonso mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps to boost the immune system and protect against cell damage.

  2. Vitamin A: Alphonso mangoes are also a great source of vitamin A, which is important for maintaining healthy eyesight and skin.

  3. Potassium: Alphonso mangoes are a good source of potassium, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure and regulating fluid balance in the body.

  4. Fiber: Alphonso mangoes are a good source of dietary fiber, which helps to promote digestive health and can reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

  5. Magnesium: Alphonso mangoes are also a good source of magnesium, which is important for maintaining healthy bones and muscles.

Health Benefits of Delicious Fruit Alphonso Mangoes

  1. Boosts Immunity: Alphonso mangoes are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for boosting the immune system and protecting against infections.

  2. Promotes Digestive Health: The fiber content in Alphonso mangoes helps to promote digestive health by preventing constipation and reducing the risk of gastrointestinal disorders.

  3. Lowers Cholesterol: Alphonso mangoes contain pectin, which can help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

  4. Improves Skin Health: The vitamin A content in Alphonso mangoes helps to promote healthy skin by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  5. Regulates Blood Pressure: The potassium content in Alphonso mangoes can help to regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension.

How to Incorporate Delicious Fruit Alphonso Mangoes into Your Diet

There are many ways to incorporate Alphonso mangoes into your diet. You can enjoy them fresh as a snack, add them to smoothies, salads, or use them as a topping for yogurt or oatmeal. You can also use Alphonso mangoes in recipes for desserts, such as mango sorbet or mango pudding.


Alphonso mangoes are a delicious and nutritious fruit that can provide several health benefits. They are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which can help to boost immunity, promote digestive health, improve skin health, lower cholesterol, and regulate blood pressure. So, go ahead and add Alphonso mangoes to your diet to enjoy their numerous health benefits.

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Do you know how to identify a genuine hapus mango grown without chemicals? Get to know

Hapus Mango

Another variety that resembles a hapus Mango and can be found in the market. That also can frequently prompt disarray. However, there are a few easy ways to distinguish genuine, chemical-free hemp.

Everybody anticipates summer; And Hapus mangoes is primarily to blame for this. An individual who could do without mango will be extremely interesting. Mangoes begin to blossom in the month of March. Mangoes of various varieties begin to appear on the market. Everyone begins receiving information regarding the locations and prices of mangoes. because everyone’s favorite subject is mango. That’s fine if he’s satisfied! However, are you aware of how to identify a genuine hapu?

In Konkan, the hapus mangoes is very well-known. Primarily from places like Devgad, Ratnagiri it is brought to different urban areas available to be purchased. In addition, it is likewise traded abroad. However, in the excitement of eating their first mango, many people overlook the ripening process and the authenticity of the fruit. In addition, there is another mango variety on the market that resembles Hapus in appearance. That also can frequently prompt disarray. However, there are a few easy ways to distinguish genuine, chemical-free hemp.

1. Smell: For mango identification, the smell of Hapus mangoes is very important. Instantaneously, the aroma of Hapus mangoes is detected. Alongside this, when the mangoes are maturing, their fragrance drifts around. Chemically grown mangoes do not have any smell at all.

2. Shape: The Hapus mango appears to be plump and somewhat round when held in the hand. This indicates that unlike other mangoes, it does not have a tapered underside. However, some of the stem is soft.

3. Color-wise, Hapus mangoes are rarely entirely yellow. Natural hapus mangoes initially appears green, then yellow, and finally somewhat reddish. If all of the mangoes are the same color, chemical cultivation is more likely.

4. Peel: The Hapus mango’s peel is thinner than that of other mangoes. Simultaneously, its touch is exceptionally delicate. Mangoes matured utilizing synthetic compounds are a piece hard and harsh to the hand.

5. Taste: Hapus mangoes have a distinct and less fibrous flavor. The flavor of a mango blister stays with us for a long time after we eat it.

It is impossible for anyone to cheat you in the name of Hapus mangoes if you remember these five things when purchasing mangoes.

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Bringing Ratnagiri Hapus home on Akshaya Tritiya? You can tell the difference between Konkan Raja and Karnataka mangoes

On Akshaya Tritiya, will you be bringing Ratnagiri Hapus home? Karnataka Alphonso versus Ratnagiri Alphonso: You can tell the difference between Konkan Raja mangoes and Karnataka mangoes. Mango also ripens well after the summer starts in April and May, so there is a lot of Konkan hapus mango in the market in those months. However, it has come to light that mango sellers in Karnataka are selling mangoes that look like Hapus.

Mumbai: The market sees an increase in demand for mangoes—the king of fruits—at the beginning of April. The months of April and May are mango season. Yellow mangoes now dominate the market. People from other states, in addition to Maharashtrians, are particularly drawn to Konkani Hapu. At any price that gourmets can afford, Ratnagiri Hapus and Devgad Hapus are available for purchase. Some vendors are forcing Karnataka mangoes on Mumbaikars in order to satisfy the same vick point of gourmands. We should figure out how to separate between Karnataka Hapus and Ratnagiri Hapus.

On April 22, there is Akshaya Tritiya. On this day, the market sees an increase in demand for mangoes. This muhurat also leads to an increase in the market for hapus mangoes. For the festival, ready-to-eat mangoes are in high demand from both vendors and domestic consumers. Contingent upon the size of the organic product, Hapus mangoes are being sold in the market at Rs 800 to 1000 for each dozen. Though, Karnataka hapus mangoes are sold at Rs 550 to Rs 650 for every dozen. However, the Karnataka mangoes that resembled Hapus were sold at a premium by mango sellers.

Customers are being duped because Ratnagiri Hapus and Karnataki Hapus are the same color and shape. The Karnataka Hapus is frequently offered to customers at a reduced price by sellers. Despite its resemblance to hapoos in appearance, the Karnataki mango lacks the flavor of Konkani hapoos. Hence, in the wake of returning home, clients understand that they have been cheated. So recognize Ratnagiri Hapus and Karnataka Hapus along these lines.
The Ratnagiri Hapus mango has a thin, round skin. As a result, the fruit has a yellowish stem and a reddish or orange tip. Ratnagiri Hapus’s odor quickly spreads. After being cut, Ratnagiri Hapus appears yellowish.

The Karnataka Hapus has a thick bark and a convex shape. The green portion of the stem It is yellowish towards the tip. The mango scent of Karnataka hapu is not overpowering. After being cut, the Karnataka hapu is a dark orange color.

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Alphonso mangoes on EMI, and a Pune trader is offering to eat now, pay later terms

Mangoes On EMI

Alphonso mangoes are significantly more expensive than other varieties.

Pune: On EMIs, one can purchase an iPhone, laptop, refrigerator, and other electronic items. Why mangoes not? Yes, one of these schemes is available for you to use this summer to enjoy your favorite, tastiest, and most amazing Alphonso mangoes on EMI without worrying about money. Isn’t it brilliant information to all the mango darlings? 

Many people all over the world adore and consume Alphonso, which is regarded as the king of all mango varieties, but not everyone can afford them. However, the good news is that Alphonso mangoes on EMIs can be purchased from a merchant in the Pune district of Maharashtra, so you won’t have to worry about the price.

Alphonso mangoes, also known as Hapus, are world-renowned for their exceptional quality, distinctive flavor, and distinctive aroma. Alphonso is considered to be the best mangoes because of its exceptional flavor and high demand. The cost of Alphonso mangoes is essentially high contrasted with different assortments. Alphonso mangoes are filled in the Southern locale of Maharashtra’s Devgad and Ratnagiri, the Konkan district.

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The Best Methods for Ripening Mangoes Naturally and Quickly

Mangoes are a delicious and popular fruit, but sometimes they can be hard and unripe when you buy them. If you want to enjoy ripe and juicy mangoes as soon as possible, there are natural methods to speed up the ripening process. In this blog post, we will discuss five methods to Ripen Mango faster at home.

  1. Paper Bag Method

The paper bag method is one of the most popular ways to ripen mango at home. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Put the mangoes in a paper bag and fold the top of the bag to close it.
  2. Keep the bag in a warm place such as a sunny windowsill or near a fruit bowl.
  3. Check the mangoes daily to see if they have ripened.

The mangoes will release ethylene gas which will help to ripen them faster. This method can take anywhere from two to five days, depending on how ripe the mangoes were when you started.

  1. Rice Method

The rice method is another effective way to ripen mango faster. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Take a container and fill it with uncooked rice.
  2. Place the mangoes on top of the rice and cover the container with a lid.
  3. Keep the container in a warm place.
  4. Check the mangoes daily to see if they have ripened.

The rice will absorb moisture from the mangoes, speeding up the ripening process. This method can take anywhere from two to five days.

  1. Banana Method

The banana method is a simple and effective way to ripen mango faster. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Place a ripe banana in a paper bag with the mangoes.
  2. Fold the top of the bag to close it.
  3. Keep the bag in a warm place.
  4. Check the mangoes daily to see if they have ripened.

The banana will release ethylene gas which will help to ripen the mangoes faster. This method can take anywhere from two to five days.

  1. Oven Method

The oven method is a quick way to ripen mangoes, but it requires careful monitoring. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Preheat your oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place the mangoes on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Check the mangoes every five minutes until they are soft and ripe.

This method is faster than the other methods, but it requires constant monitoring to prevent the mangoes from over-ripening.

  1. Newspaper Method

The newspaper method is a traditional way to ripen mangoes that has been used for generations. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Wrap each mango individually in newspaper.
  2. Place the mangoes in a warm place.
  3. Check the mangoes daily to see if they have ripened.

The newspaper will help to absorb moisture from the mangoes, speeding up the ripening process. This method can take anywhere from three to seven days.


Now that you know how to ripen mangoes faster and naturally at home, you can enjoy ripe and juicy mangoes whenever you want. These methods are easy to follow and use natural ingredients that are safe and effective. Try these methods the next time you buy unripe mangoes and enjoy ripe and delicious fruit in no time!

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The Perfect Alphonso Mango Gift for Any Occasion

Perfect Alphonso Mango Gift

Are you tired of giving the same old boring gifts for birthdays, holidays, and special occasions? Why not switch things up and give the Alphonso Mango gift? This tropical fruit is not only delicious and nutritious, but it also makes for a unique and thoughtful gift that will leave a lasting impression on your loved ones.

In this article, we’ll explore why Alphonso Mangoes make the perfect gift, where to find the best ones, and how to present them in a way that will wow your friends and family.

Why Alphonso Mango Gift is  Perfect Gift

1. Exotic and Unique

When it comes to gift-giving, you want to give something that stands out from the crowd. Alphonso Mangoes fit the bill perfectly. They are a tropical fruit that is not commonly found in most countries, making them a unique and exotic gift that will impress anyone who receives them.

2. Nutritious and Delicious

Not only are Alphonso Mangoes exotic and unique, but they are also incredibly nutritious and delicious. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health, and their sweet and juicy flavor is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.

3. Versatile

Alphonso Mangoes are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. They can be eaten fresh, used in smoothies and juices, added to salads and desserts, and even used in savory dishes. This versatility makes them a great gift for anyone, whether they are a health nut or a foodie.

4. Long Shelf Life

Unlike many fruits, Alphonso Mangoes have a relatively long shelf life, which makes them the perfect gift to send through the mail. They can be shipped anywhere in the world and will arrive at their destination fresh and ready to eat.

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Alphonso Mango Gift