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Alphonso Mango

Alphonso Mango Blog

This blog is related to Alphonso mango, we hope you will like it and please do like share and subscribe to our newsletter so we can write such blogs and bring more information related to alphonso mango to you guys…enjoy reading……The mango is a tropical stone fruit. This is a type of plant food with a fleshy outer section that surrounds a shell, or pit. This pit contains a seed. There are many different kinds of mango.

Alphonso Mango

Indian Hapus (Alphonso) came into existence as a gift from a Portuguese general and military expert- Afonso de Albuquerque. When the Portuguese people colonized India, they carried Mango fruit along. Portuguese was responsible for introducing grafting on mango trees to produce extraordinary and incredible varieties like the Alphonso during the visit to India. That’s how they introduced us to the Hapus mango, which is an outcome of a hybrid plant. It was the Portuguese who introduced grafting on mango trees to produce extraordinary varieties like Alphonso

Alphonso mango is the best variety of mangoes in India. It is mainly found in Ratnagiri of Karnataka, Ratnagiri is home to the alphonso mango. there are several different varieties of Alphonso. Most of the two common Hapus Mangoes are Devgad hapus (Alphonso Mango)and Ratnagiri hapus (Alphonso Mango). These mango varieties are the most expensive but one of the best in terms of sweetness, richness, and flavour.

Ratnagiri Alphonso Mango

Mangoes from Ratnagiri are commonly known as Ratnagiri Hapus. Mangoes from the Coastal area of Ratnagiri with Golden yellow tint & red tinge, nonfibrous juicy pulp.

Alphonso mangoes offer excellent flavour, high freshness, and a yummy taste that is mouth-watering. There is no use of pesticides, insecticides, pre-fulling, and ripening treatment for these mangoes. There is no application of culture and ethylene gas. The peeling of Alphonso is very easy and can be easily peeled just like a banana. Unlike other breeds of mangoes, Alphonso Mangoes does not have any fibre contents.

Buy Ratnagiri alphonso mango online

Seasons in India begin at the end of March and last until it becomes rainy during the monsoon season near the first week of June or May’s end. We source Ratnagiri Hapus directly from our selected GI-certified group of farmers in Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra. Our farmers, who are well trained, follow standard operating procedures on our farms. Which are sourced from Carbide and chemical-free now buy Ratnagiri Alphonso Mangoes online.

How to Cut Ratnagiri Alphonso Mango

Devgad Alphonso Mango

Devgad Alphonso Mango cultivar is located near the Arabian Sea coast guarding mountains rich with minerals, Laterite stones, and fresh sea breeze flowing from the Arabian Sea. It is filled with multiple minerals in the land with a hilly tropical area on one side and the Sea. Mango is grown in Devgad with Saffron & Yellow colour gradients, sweet & fascinating taste Devgad Hapus has a Stronger and thicker outer coat. Devgad Hapus has a Pleasant fruity smell and have no fibre present. It has a very sweet taste and is very popular among people. Having wrinkles or the mango shrivelling when ripe doesn’t take anything away from its incredible taste.

Alphonso mango blog

Buy Devgad alphonso mango online

Seasons in India begin at the end of March and last until it becomes rainy during the monsoon season near the first week of June or May’s end. We source Devgad Alphonso Mango directly from our selected GI-certified group of farmers in the Debvgad district, Maharashtra. Our farmers, who are well trained, follow standard operating procedures on our farms. Which are sourced from Carbide and chemical-free now buy Devgad Alphonso Mangoes online.

How to Cut Devgad Alphonso Mango

Hapus Mango (Hapus Aam)

This fruit is usually referred to as Hapus, which means Alphonso Mango. The mango was selected as the world’s most expensive and best mango in the world. The variety is named after Afonso de Albuquerque, the viceroy of Portuguese India. The Alphonso is a seasonal fruit, available from mid-April through the end of June.

Grown only by farmers from Devgad (Inclusive of Sindhudurga), Ratnagiri, Alibaug, Thane & Palghar district Hapus mangoes can be synonymous with Alphonso Mango. Other area mangoes cannot title this Mango as Hapus or Alphonso Mango. For example, Karnataka and Gujarat farmers grown mangoes will not be called Hapus or Alphonso Mangoes.

Alphonso mango blog

Alphonso Mango GI Tag

The Alphonso Mango from Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, and other Maharashtra districts has been given a Geographical Indication (GI) tag, which will help consumers recognise the fruit’s authenticity. we deal in the best Alphonso Mangoes around the world who are GI tag certified; this gives you their origin guarantee.

Alphonso mango blog

Why Alphonso Mango is costly?

Alphonso Mango Price

Throughout the world, Devgad Alphonso Mango is well recognized due to its unique tastearoma, and superior quality. The size of these mangoes is about 4-6 inches and is even in shape. Its skin is inedible, and the colour of ripened Alphonso mangoes is golden yellow. Due to its short season, people are willing to take the opportunity of best taste even at a high price. The price of Alphonso mango is at least 20% more compared to the other mango varieties. Its taste and characteristics are completely worth its high price. The pulp of Alphonso mango is much more delicious, and its skin is thin but firm. Its seed is also smaller as compared to the other mango cultivars, so there is more pulp to enjoy the great taste.

In the Ratnagiri area, these mangoes are harvested by hand, so there is no risk of fruit injuries and people can enjoy the original taste. Mostly, the authorities are exporting the hand-harvested mangoes, so their price is high as compared to the mechanically harvested mangoes. Alphonso mangoes offer excellent flavour, high freshness, and a yummy taste that is mouth-watering. There is no use of pesticides, insecticides, pre-fulling, and ripening treatment for these mangoes. There is no application of culture and ethylene gas. The peeling of Alphonso is very easy and can be easily peeled just like a banana. Unlike other breeds of mangoes, Alphonso Mangoes does not have any fibre contents

Alphonso mango blog

Why Alphonso Mango is the King of Mangoes

Alphonso mango

Well, when it comes to the reasons that made Alphonso, the king of mangoes, there are some specific reasons. The qualities that an alphonso mango possesses are quite unique and good. So, let’s see …

the cult flavour and the beautiful colour, which makes it different from others. When they ripe the outer layer of these mangoes is turned into a bright yellow with an orange tint, just like a sunrise in the morning from the top. The fruits generally weigh between 150 and 300 and have a richcreamytender texture and delicate, non-fibrous, juicy pulp.

The Alphonso mangoes are known for their intense aroma. Alphonso mangoes possess this characteristic due to high levels of myrcene, a terpenoid, naturally occurring chemical found in plants responsible for the flavour and aroma.  Even a single Alphonso mango will fill the room with its fragrance, making it the King of Mangoes.

They have a finger-licking taste that no one can get over. Not only its taste is wonderful, but also its aroma and the benefits that this particular variety of mango can provide. Also, you may know that Hapus mangoes have also got a Geographical Indication tag which is indeed a great deal for the country

Alphonso mango offers you many health-related benefits, and its taste as compared to other mangoes is unique and different; thus, you can say that these mangoes are the “King of Mangoes”.

Mangoes from India

Varieties of Mangoes in India and Where to Find Them.


Best Mangoes in the World

There is no doubt, that Devgad Alphonso Mango, Ratnagiri Alphonso Mango or Hapus Aam cultivars are the best mangoes in the world. They are most tasty, pulpy, and sweet than any other kind of mango. Their strong aroma is much more appealing, but their availability is limited to only mid-April through the end of June. So, there is no reason to miss this option of enjoying the greatest taste, even at a higher price.


Wikipedia, mangoes- alphonso mango

Wikipedia, about the fruit mango

mango basket, difference Ratnagiri & Devgad Alphonso Mango

holidify, varieties of Mangoes

Devgad, conclusion

alphonso mango, Ratnagiri, Devgad, Hapus alphonso mango

medical news today, what to know about mangoes

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What to Know about Mangoes & Ratnagiri & Devgad Hapus Mango


This blog is intended to know you What to Know about Mangoes. This is a type of plant food with a fleshy outer section that surrounds a shell, or pit. This pit contains a seed. There are many different kinds of mango. They vary in colour, shape, flavour, and seed size. Although mango skin can be green, red, yellow, or orange, its inner flesh is mostly golden yellow. It is part of culture, festivals, language, civilizations, and diplomacy. It’s called as king of all fruits.

The Mango is said to have its origin in Asia (Southern India, 5000 years ago) and is now cultivated all over the world. The word mango is derived from “manke” a Tamil word. Portuguesa merchants were the first to use the word “manga”. In the 15 th and 16 th centuries, British merchants change the term manga into “mango”. Mango is the national fruit of IndiaPakistan and the Philippines, while the mango tree is the national tree of Bangladesh.

What to Know about Mangoes

What to Know about Mangoes

Depending on the tree species, mango trees can reach 30–40 m (98–131 feet) tall and have a crown radius of 10–15 m (33–49 feet). Some specimens of these trees are still fruiting after 300 years, indicating that the trees have a long lifespan. A simple leaf can be as long as 30 cm (12 inches) and is lanceolate in shape. Small, pinkish, and fragrant flowers appear in large terminal panicles. There are some flowers with both stamens and pistils, and others have only stamens.

There is a great deal of variation in the shape and size of the fruit. It can appear oval, round, heart-shaped, kidney-shaped, or long and slender. Some mangoes weigh 1.8 to 2.3 kg (4 to 5 pounds), while others are no larger than plums. Some varieties are vividly coloured with shades of red and yellow, while others are dull green. The single large seed is flattened, and the flesh that surrounds it is yellow to orange in colour, juicy, and of distinctive sweet-spicy flavour.

What to Know about Mangoes


The most seasoned mango tree is found in Khandish of Central India, which is 300 years of age yet bear natural products”. It was ordinarily filled in the East Indies before the earliest visits of the Portuguese who obviously acquainted it with West Africa right off the bat in the sixteenth 100 years and furthermore to Brazil. In the wake of becoming laid out in Brazil, the mango was conveyed toward the West Indies, being first established in Barbados in around 1742 and later in the Dominican Republic. It arrived at Jamaica in around 1782 and, right off the bat in the nineteenth Hundred years, arrived at Mexico from the Philippines and the West Indies.

In 1885, seeds of the fantastic ‘Bombay’ mango of India were brought from Key West to Miami and bringing about two trees that thrived until 1909.

New Delhi hosted the Worldwide Society for Plant Science’s Global Conference on Mango and Mango Culture. India, in 1969 with the end goal of gathering an assortment of germplasm from around the world and empowering helpful examination on rootstocks and bearing way of behaving, hybridization, illness, stockpiling and transport issues, and different areas of study.

What to Know about Mangoes

Varieties of mango

Alphonso Mangoes – Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

Kesar Mangoes – Junagadh, Gujarat

Dasheri Mangoes – Lucknow and Malihabad, Uttar Pradesh

Himsagar and Kishan Bhog Mangoes – Murshidabad, West Bengal etc…

Mango Tree, Fruit, Nutrients, Minerals, and Benefits

“This traditional style is no more with us. Poor or rich families must exchange their first fruit (mangoes) according to their means from the markets”.

“The mango tree is Holy Tree to Buddhism”.

A famous Muslim poet Mirza Ghalib was fond of mangoes.   There was once a conversation between him and a friend “Mirza“, who dislikes mangoes.  .

The summer season in Pakistan is the season of the first fruit (mango). Pakistan grows a wide variety of mangoes. It is the sixth-largest producer of mangoes in the world. There are many ways to consume mangoes in Pakistan, including directly, in salads, in desserts, in pickles, smoothies, milkshakes, or even mango lassi.

The varieties of mangoes produced in Pakistan are popular all over the world. The most popular varieties of mangoes found in Pakistan are:

Tropical regions can easily grow mango trees in their foot gardens. This is because the soil is not the most important factor for its growth, an ideal climate is necessary for its growth.


Mangoes make for one of the most popular fruits across the world. In addition to being sumptuous, pulpy and amazing, mangoes pack a host of health benefits too! Mangoes are eaten worldwide during the summer season and are used in various ways, such as drinks, ice creams, yoghurts, and cake puddings.

This article concludes that the Alphonso mango offers you many health-related benefits, and its taste as compared to other mangoes is unique and different; thus, you can say that these mangoes are the “king of mangoes”

How to plant a Mango Seed?


  1. Wikipedia, about the fruit mango
  2. national library of medicine, mango breeding
  3., mango tree, the national tree
  4. medical news today, what to know about mangoes
  5. Britannica, mango plant, fruit
  6. howstuffworks, mango seed plant
  7., mango
  8. scientificasif, nutrition, benefit, sciencedirect
  9. holidify, mango varieties
  10. food.ndtv, mango benefits
  11. mangobasket, king of fruits, conclusion

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Ratnagiri Hapus and Devgad Hapus

Ratnagiri Hapus and Devgad Hapus

Alphonso mango, fondly known as “Hapus” in Marathi, is a seasonal delight and one of India’s most cherished fruits. Its rich sweetness, silky texture, and unparalleled flavor have made it the undisputed “King of Mangoes.” Among Alphonso varieties, Ratnagiri Hapus and Devgad Hapus stand out as two iconic names. But are they truly different? Let’s explore their unique attributes and shared greatness.

Why Alphonso Mango is Special

India’s summer is synonymous with mangoes, and no variety captures the nation’s love like Alphonso. With its radiant golden-yellow skin and buttery, aromatic flesh, Alphonso offers an irresistible experience. The fruit’s flavor is a complex blend of apricot, peach, and honey, with hints of citrus and melon, making every bite a celebration.

Among its cultivars, Ratnagiri Hapus and Devgad Hapus are prominent due to their premium quality and distinct growing conditions in Maharashtra’s coastal belt.

Ratnagiri Hapus: A Coastal Treasure

The Ratnagiri Hapus mango hails from Ratnagiri, a district covering over 8,000 square kilometers. This region’s coastal climate—with its balance of warm sun and cool sea breeze—creates the ideal environment for growing Alphonso mangoes.

Season: Ratnagiri mangoes are typically available from early April to mid-May, marking the beginning of mango season.

Appearance and Taste: Ratnagiri Hapus is smaller with delicate skin that tends to wrinkle when ripe. Its flavor develops early, offering a harmonious mix of sweetness and tang even before full ripening. Its saffron-toned flesh is as smooth as butter, delivering a taste akin to a blend of honey, citrus, and peach.

Cultivation Practices: Ratnagiri farmers rely on organic methods. They use compost made from grass, leaves, and cow dung, ensuring natural growth without chemical interference. This approach enhances the fruit’s flavor while maintaining ecological balance.

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Devgad Hapus: The Jewel of Maharashtra

Devgad, a tiny taluka in Maharashtra comprising 98 villages, is another renowned Alphonso-growing region. The mangoes from this area are celebrated for their vibrant color, unique flavor, and export-grade quality.

  • Appearance and Taste: Devgad Hapus is slightly larger with thicker, less wrinkle-prone skin. Its vibrant orange-yellow hue and richer, creamier pulp make it visually striking and delicious. However, the flavor develops fully later in the ripening cycle, so unripe Devgad mangoes may taste sour.
  • Unique Features: This variety is known for its thin skin, which ensures higher pulp yield. Devgad mangoes are also naturally ripened without chemicals, making them healthier and more authentic. The region’s unique soil and microclimate contribute to the mango’s aromatic sweetness.
  • Season: Devgad mangoes arrive later, with their season peaking in mid-May and lasting only a few weeks.
  • Geographical Indication (GI) Tag: Devgad Hapus holds a GI tag, guaranteeing its authenticity and exceptional quality. This hallmark ensures that only mangoes grown in this specific region can carry the name.

How Ratnagiri Hapus and Devgad Hapus Differ

Although both varieties are Alphonso mangoes, slight differences exist due to geographical and climatic conditions.

FeatureRatnagiri HapusDevgad Hapus
SkinThin, wrinkles easilyThicker, resists wrinkling
TasteSweet early in ripeningFully sweet when ripened
ColorSaffron-yellowYellow with orange hues
SeasonEarly April to mid-MayMid-May to late May

What Makes Hapus Mangoes Truly Royal

The magic of Hapus lies in its perfect balance of sweetness, acidity, and texture. A fully ripe Hapus mango features golden-yellow skin with an orange tint, yielding aromatic, succulent flesh. Its rich flavor, free of fibers, makes it ideal for fresh consumption or use in desserts.

The shared qualities of Ratnagiri and Devgad Hapus include their organic cultivation, non-fibrous texture, and irresistible taste. Together, they exemplify why Hapus mangoes are considered India’s finest export.

Conclusion: A Celebration of Mango Excellence

While subtle differences exist between Ratnagiri and Devgad Hapus, they are united in their status as the crown jewels of Alphonso mangoes. Whether you prefer the early sweetness of Ratnagiri or the later ripening richness of Devgad, each bite is a tribute to the craftsmanship of Indian farmers and the bounty of nature.

Order your favorite Hapus mangoes today and savor the king of fruits in all its glory!

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How to buy Ratnagiri Hapus Online

Ratnagiri Hapus

How to buy Ratnagiri Hapus Online

How to buy Ratnagiri Hapus Online

Well, when it comes to purchasing the online Ratnagiri Hapus Mangoes (Alphonso Mango), there are several platforms available in India. For information, if you are looking for a good collection of mangoes of various categories, it is always possible. So, people who want to find the best site which is completely genuine, then go ahead with and get it home delivered. Here, you can search for the fine collection of Ratnagiri Hapus Mangoes (Alphonso Mango).

Order Now!

Ratnagiri Alphonso Mangoes

We sell 100% authentic and high-quality, picked from the fresh farms of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. As a result of their weight, our mangoes receive the highest grade AAA, AA, A+, etc. A delicious mango like Alphonso mangoes from Ratnagiri is a Geographical Indication (GI) certified product.

Why Ratnagiri Hapus Store…?

We deliver from selected farmers for Ratnagiri & Devgad

  • Fresh Mangoes

Direct mangoes (Alphonso Mango) from Ratnagiri from farmers

  • Free Delivery

Free home quick and on-time delivery all across Pune

  • Cash On Delivery

Pay when you get mangoes(Alphonso Mango) delivered to your doorstep

  • 100% Guaranteed

Mango will be exchanged if you find any faulty

How to buy Ratnagiri Hapus Online

Fresh & Organic Mangoes!

We deliver organic, ethically sourced boxes of brilliance straight to your door. We care about what you eat and where it comes from. Organic Mangoes(Alphonso Mango) are hand plucked and picked with the utmost care by the experts in the field and are naturally ripened without any use of carbide.

King Of All Fruits

Gift Sweetness Of Mangoes To Your Loved Once

When asked, most people choose Mango(Alphonso Mango) as their favourite fruit. And why not? These are juicy, pulpy, packed with many vitamins and minerals, easy to consume and hit all the right nods in our mouths!

Mangoes are a seasonal fruit which makes it your duty to share them as much as you can while they are still available. These delectable delights must be enjoyed to the full while one still can. So, send boxes of Mangoes to your loved ones.

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Why Ratnagiri Hapus Is So Delicious

Why Ratnagiri Hapus Is So Delicious

You will be surprised if We say that our beloved Ratnagiri Hapus is so Delicious that Hapus Alphonso mango was brought to us by the Portuguese around the 1500s. It was a Portuguese ship returning from brazil to the goa ports with a common variant of mango.

Scientific Name Of Alphonso Mango

The botanical name of mango is Mangifera indica, where India represents Indica. Portuguese saw this as a fantastic opportunity and attached these Brazilian mango trees’ shoots to Indian mango trees. Portuguese farmers planted these fields in their gardens in Goa. Surprisingly these trees survived. Years later, those trees bore fruits, and the Portuguese realized that they had created a work of art.

They later planted the seeds of these newly grown hybrid mango trees, and after some years, they realized that the mangoes growing on these trees possessed mangoes of random species. Thus the divine fruit was born, and it was so special and so unique all over the world that it can only grow through grafting.

Alphonso Mango Harvesting

The original Alphonso mango grows in Ratnagiri and Devgad Taluka in the Sindhudurg District of Maharashtra. The real-life and pure Alphonso mango from Berggad offers a natural scent. Even one mango (Alphonso Mango)stored in a room will fill the room with its aroma. Mangoes grown in some areas look like Alphonso mangoes, but don’t smell or smell awful when pressed against your nose.

Chemically grown mangoes do not provide any scent. Mangoes look soft when ripe. Chemically grown mangoes are yellow but hard when ripe. Naturally grown mangoes have a bright yellow, saffron, and greenish hue. Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help reduce heat in summer, it is also filled with immunity boosters, which help boost your immunity.

Health Benefits

Alphonso mango also promotes a healthy gut by increasing and facilitating digestion with the help of high percentages of digestive fibres present in it. Vitamin A present in it promotes eye health also the vitamin C present in it is capable of reducing cholesterol. Alphonso mango is also good for your skin.

Even diabetic patients can enjoy Alphonso mango as it does not affect blood glucose, thus proving itself safe for diabetic patients to consume. Alphonso mango is one of the most expensive and delicious fruit all over the world. Also known as the King of the fruit for its richness and deliciousness.

Whatever you think order immediately at

Order Now & Find Why Ratnagiri Hapus Is So Delicious?

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Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango King of Fruits

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

On realizing the numerous benefits of mango, your love for this fruit will increase the manifold. It not only tastes good but has many health benefits. Here we give you the top healthy reasons why you should eat mangoes during summer.

It helps in fighting cancer

Mangoes contain antioxidants such as quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, gallic acid, and methyl gallate. All these properties protect our body against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia.

Helps in maintaining cholesterol level

Mangoes contain antioxidants such as quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, gallic acid, and methyl gallate. All these properties protect our body against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia.

It helps in cleansing skin

Another benefit of eating mangoes is that it cleanses your skin from deep inside your body. It treats pores and gives a glow to your skin. Hence, eat mangoes to get flawless skin.

Helps in regulating diabetes

Eating mango leaves is great to regulate diabetes. So, people suffering from diabetes should boil 5-6 mango leaves in a vessel. Soak it overnight and drink the filtered decoction early in the morning. Also, mango has a low glycemic index, eating mango in moderation will not increase your blood sugar level.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

Helps in alkalizing your body

As mangoes are enriched with tartaric and malic acid and contain traces of citric acid, it helps in maintaining the alkali reserve of our body.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

A way to lose weight

As mango contains a lot of vitamins and essential nutrients, eating one mango makes you feel fuller. Also, as it is loaded with fibrous content, it boosts the digestive function and burns unwanted calories from the body. This, in turn, helps in losing extra weight.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

An Aphrodisiac fruit

Mango is also known as the ‘love fruit’. It has the aphrodisiac qualities which also increase virility in men. So, have mangoes and enhance your love and passion.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

For healthy eyes

Mangoes are also loaded with vitamin A, making it a perfect fruit to improve eyesight. It also prevents night blindness and dry eyes.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

Aids good digestion

The enzymes in mangoes help in breaking down protein content in the body. Enriched with fiber, mangoes aid good digestion and prevent many stomach-related diseases.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

Prevents heat stroke

This summer fruit also helps in preventing heatstroke. Eating it cools you down instantly and hence refreshes you. Add this ‘super fruit’ in summer and stay cool during the hot weather.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

Help in strengthening the immune system

Mangoes also contain vitamin C, A, and other different kinds of carotenoids. All these essential nutrients are beneficial for your immune system keeping it strong and healthy.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

Use it as a body scrub

Apart from eating, applying mango scrub to your body gives you smoother and tender skin. You can make a paste by mashing mangoes and adding honey and milk to it. Gently massage and leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off to get great skin.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

Improves concentration and memory

If you find it difficult to concentrate and have low memory, then gorge on mangoes. They not only help in improving your concentration but also boost your memory.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

Contains high iron content

The high iron content in mango is a natural remedy for anemic people. Also, women should eat mangoes to increase the iron levels and calcium content in their bodies.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

When to eat and how much to eat

Thanks to their delectable juicy taste, mangoes are definitely one of the best things about the summer season. The king of fruits can certainly be enjoyed in a variety of ways and is the perfect alternative to processed desserts to keep your sugar cravings in check. However, since mangoes tend to be high in calories and sugar (a cup of diced mangoes contains about 100 calories), it comes as no surprise that diabetics are a little skeptical about consuming this delicious treat.

It should be noted that since 90 percent of the calories present in this yellow fruit come from sugar, it may lead to a spike in blood sugar in diabetes patients. However, the glycemic index of mango is 51, which classifies it as a low GI food.

GI index is used to measure the impact of foods on blood sugar levels. Additionally, it is also loaded with antioxidants and fibers, which can help in keeping your blood sugar levels in check. If you have diabetes and you are craving some mangoes, it is important to practice portion control and avoid eating a lot of them at the same time.

Check your total calorie requirement for the day and start with a small portion of mangoes to check their impact on your blood sugar levels. It is advisable to consume mangoes with their pulp and avoid juices and shakes. Ultimately, it is important to have a word with your doctor to understand the correct portion of mangoes you should consume in a day.

Healthy Reasons to Eat Mango

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24 Varieties Of Mangoes Found In India

Varieties Of Mangoes

List of Varieties of Mangoes Found in India

Nothing quite compares to the summer season when it comes to savoring delicious, mouth-watering mangoes. Known as the “King of Fruits,” mangoes have always been a cherished part of Indian life. With around 1,500 varieties of mangoes across the country, India boasts a rich selection of flavors and aromas. From Alphonso to Kesar, mango enthusiasts eagerly explore these exquisite types. So why wait? Dive into the world of Indian mango varieties!

Alphonso Mangoes - Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

Alphonso Mangoes – Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

Available from mid-July, Alphonso mangoes are internationally loved for their vibrant yellow appearance and delightful taste. Named after Afonso de Albuquerque, this variety is characterized by its rich sweetness and buttery texture. Ratnagiri and its neighboring regions are famous for their high-quality Alphonso mangoes, which are often used in desserts, smoothies, and even ice creams. Enjoy fresh Alphonso mangoes delivered straight from farm to home at Ratnagiri Hapus Store.

Best for: Desserts, smoothies, and fresh eating.

Kesar Mangoes – Junagadh, Gujarat

Kesar mangoes, recognized for their saffron color and heavenly taste, are often referred to as the “Queen of Mangoes.” Grown in the Girnar Hills of Junagadh, these mangoes have a unique sweet flavor and juicy pulp that sets them apart. They are widely used in traditional Indian desserts like mango lassi and kulfi. Available from May to July, Kesar mangoes are also celebrated for their nutritional benefits.

Best for: Desserts, salads, and fresh juices.

Kesar Mangoes - Junagadh, Gujarat, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Dasheri Mangoes - Lucknow and Malihabad, Uttar Pradesh, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Dasheri Mangoes – Lucknow and Malihabad, Uttar Pradesh

In the land of Nawabs, Dasheri mangoes are famous for their green peels and luscious taste. This variety is medium-sized, with a sweet and aromatic flavor profile. Available from mid-May to late August, Dasheri mangoes are often enjoyed fresh or in desserts like mango pudding and custards. Their unique flavor makes them a favorite among mango connoisseurs.

Best for: Fresh consumption, desserts, and jams.

Himsagar and Kishan Bhog Mangoes – Murshidabad, West Bengal

Murshidabad, known for its Nawabi heritage, is a treasure trove of mango varieties. Himsagar mangoes are renowned for their sweetness and aroma, while Kishan Bhog is celebrated for its unique flavor. Harvested from May to early June, these mangoes are ideal for making delicious mango chutneys and desserts, enhancing both flavor and presentation.

Best for: Fresh eating, smoothies, and chutneys.

Himsagar and Kishan Bhog Mangoes - Murshidabad, West Bengal, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Chausa Mangoes - Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Chausa Mangoes – Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh

Hardoi is another hotspot for mango lovers, famous for Chausa mangoes. These aromatic, yellowish mangoes are known for their sweet, luscious flesh and are typically available in July and August. Chausa mangoes are often consumed fresh or used to create delightful mango desserts, such as sorbets and fruit salads.

Best for: Eating fresh and making desserts.

Badami Mangoes – North Karnataka

The northern region of Karnataka is home to Badami mangoes, often dubbed the Karnataka-Alphonso. This variety is celebrated for its rich, sweet flavor and smooth texture. Available from May to July, Badami mangoes are perfect for fresh consumption and are also used in traditional Indian dishes like aamras (mango pulp).

Best for: Smoothies, aamras, and fresh consumption.

Badami Mangoes - North Karnataka, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Safeda Mangoes - Andhra Pradesh, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Safeda Mangoes – Andhra Pradesh

Safeda mangoes, also known as Banganpali or Benishan, are popular in Andhra Pradesh, particularly in Banganpalle. These large, meaty mangoes have a thin skin and are rich in vitamins A and C. Their sweet taste and fibrous texture make them ideal for salads and desserts, enhancing both flavor and nutrition.

Best for: Fresh eating, salads, and smoothies.

Bombay Green Mangoes – Punjab

In Punjab, Bombay Green mangoes attract mango lovers with their medium size and distinctive flavor. Known for their slightly tangy taste, these mangoes are available from May to July. They are often enjoyed fresh or used in traditional pickles, adding a unique zest to meals.

Best for: Fresh eating, pickles, and chutneys.

Bombay Green Mangoes - Punjab, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Langra Mangoes - Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Langra Mangoes – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Langra mangoes from Varanasi are celebrated for their unique lemon-yellow skin and deliciously sweet flavor. Available in June and July, these mangoes are often used in salads and desserts. The name “Langra” translates to “lame,” stemming from a local legend about a farmer who cultivated these mangoes.

Best for: Desserts, salsas, and fresh consumption.

Totapuri Mangoes – Bangalore, Karnataka

Known as Bangalora or Sandersha mangoes, Totapuri mangoes from Bangalore are medium-sized and have a greenish-yellow skin. Available from May to July, this variety is less sweet but has a distinctive tartness that makes it perfect for salads and pickles, adding a refreshing flavor to dishes.

Best for: Pickles, salads, and smoothies.

Totapuri Mangoes - Bangalore, Karnataka, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Neelam Mangoes - Andhra Pradesh, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Neelam Mangoes – Andhra Pradesh

Though grown across India, the tastiest Neelam mangoes come from Andhra Pradesh. Available from May to July, these smaller mangoes have a sweet aroma and are slightly fibrous. They are often enjoyed fresh or used in desserts and drinks, such as mango lassi, enhancing both flavor and texture.

Best for: Eating fresh, smoothies, and salads.

Raspuri Mangoes – Karnataka

Raspuri mangoes, grown in Karnataka, are oval-shaped and available from May to June. Known for their juiciness and sweetness, they are often used in traditional desserts and beverages, delivering a rich, flavorful experience.

Best for: Smoothies, desserts, and fresh consumption.

Raspuri Mangoes - Karnataka, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Malgoa/Mulgoba Mangoes - Salem, Tamil Nadu, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Malgoa/Mulgoba Mangoes – Salem, Tamil Nadu

Malgoa mangoes, or Mulgoba, are recognized for their round shape and thick skin. Known for their rich pulp and sweetness, they are available during peak season in July and August. Malgoa mangoes are often used in desserts and enjoyed fresh, making them a favorite in Tamil Nadu.

Best for: Fresh consumption and traditional desserts.

Lakshmanbhog Mangoes – Malda, West Bengal

Exclusively grown in Malda, Lakshmanbhog mangoes are available from June to July. With their gleaming golden-red skin and the perfect balance of sweetness, these mangoes are often enjoyed fresh and are even exported for their superior quality.

Best for: Fresh eating and jams.

Lakshmanbhog Mangoes - Malda, West Bengal, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Amrapali Mangoes - All Over India

Amrapali Mangoes – All Over India

Amrapali mangoes are a hybrid variety, created in 1971 from Dasheri and Neelam. Known for their deep red flesh and sweet taste, they are cultivated across India. Although they have a shorter shelf life, their flavor makes them a popular choice for fresh consumption and desserts.

Best for: Fresh consumption and desserts.

Imam Pasand Mangoes – Andhra Pradesh /Telangana/Tamil Nadu

Considered the “King of Mangoes,” Imam Pasand is known for its unique flavor and soft skin. Available in May and June, this variety is celebrated for its rich sweetness and aromatic scent, making it ideal for desserts and fresh eating.

Best for: Desserts and fresh consumption.

Imam Pasand Mangoes - Andhra Pradesh /Telangana/Tamil Nadu
Fazli Mangoes - Bihar/West Bengal, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Fazli Mangoes – Bihar/West Bengal

Fazli mangoes are larger than most varieties, with a sweet taste and plenty of pulp. They are predominantly grown in Malda, West Bengal, and are enjoyed fresh or in desserts, making them a delightful treat during the mango season.

Best for: Fresh consumption and desserts.

Mankurad Mangoes – Goa

The Mankurad mango is a mid-season variety, naturally sweet with very little fiber. Known for its rich taste, it is available as early as April and is often enjoyed fresh or used in traditional Goan dishes.

Best for: Fresh eating and local recipes.

Mankurad Mangoes - Goa
Paheri/Pairi Mangoes - Gujarat,24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Paheri/Pairi Mangoes – Gujarat

Pairi mangoes are known for their distinct taste, combining sweetness and slight sourness. They are available from April to July and are often enjoyed fresh or in salads, adding a refreshing twist to meals.

Best for: Fresh eating and salads.

Mallika Mangoes – All Over India

Mallika mangoes, a hybrid of Neelam and Dasheri, are celebrated for their exceptional sweetness, often featuring hints of honey and citrus. Available in June and July, they are perfect for smoothies, desserts, and fresh consumption.

Best for: Smoothies and desserts.

Varieties of Mangoes in India

Mallika Mangoes - All Over India
Gulab Khaas Mangoes - Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Gulab Khaas Mangoes – Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal

The Gulab Khaas mango boasts a rosy flavor and pinkish skin. Available from May to June, this mango is often used in desserts due to its non-fibrous pulp, making it a favorite in many households.

Varieties of Mangoes in India

Vanraj Mangoes – Gujarat

Vanraj Mangoes constitute a rare variety of mangoes that are sold in Gujarat; especially in Vadodara city. Due to high demand, the prices of this fruit are generally a bit higher than average. Vanraj Mango is typically oval in shape resembling the figure of an egg but slightly larger than it. With its skin sporting a reddish tint on the upper side, it almost appears as if the rare fruit is blushing. Also, since it is among the mid-season variety of mangoes, Vanraj mangoes have excellent keeping quality which contributes to the high number of people that are fans of it.

Varieties of Mangoes in India

Vanraj Mangoes - Gujarat, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes
Kilichundan Mangoes - Kerala, 24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Kilichundan Mango – Kerala

Kilichundan Mangoes are relatively large in size and are sold in large quantities in various regions of Kerala. The name of this fruit has derived from the fact that its end resembles the beak of a bird and this is exactly what Kilichundan means in the Malayalam language. One will find that its tropical tree is medium in size and bears a lot of greenish-yellow mangoes. Furthermore, this fruit is used in a lot of households and restaurants in order to prepare delicious curries and pickles.

Varieties of Mangoes in India

Rumani Mangoes – Chennai

Sold in abundance in Tamil Nadu and a few other regions in Chennai, Rumani Mangoes sport greenish-yellow skin that offers splendid flavour and juicy texture. This fruit is extremely rich in carotenoids which is a predecessor of Vitamin A and Vitamin E and hence is good for one’s health. Also, apart from devouring this yummy fruit in raw form, people now also consume Rumani Mangoes in the form of smoothies, jellies, ice creams, jams, and yoghurts.

24 Varieties Of Mangoes

Rumani Mangoes - Chennai

These are just some of the amazing varieties of mangoes found in India. The country’s tropical climate creates the perfect environment for cultivating this beloved fruit, making it the national fruit of India. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, explore the rich tapestry of Indian mango varieties and enjoy the unique flavors they offer!


With a plethora of mango types in India, each bringing its own distinct flavor and aroma, there’s no better time to embark on a mango-tasting journey across the country. Discover the rich species of mango in India and indulge in the seasonal delight that is mangoes!